Online Floor and Ceiling Functions Calculator

An online calculator to calculate values of the floor and ceiling functions for a given value of the input x.
The input to the floor function is any real number x and its output is the greatest integer less than or equal to x. The notation for the floor function is: floor(x) = ?x?
Floor(2.1) = ?2.1? = 2
Floor (3) = ?3? = 3
Floor (-0.5) = ?-0.5? = -1
Floor (0) = ?0? = 0

The input to the ceiling function is any real number x and its output is the smallest integer greater than or equal to x. The notation for the ceiling function is: ceil(x) = ?x?
Ceil(2.1) = ?2.1? = 3
ceil(3) = ?3? = 3
ceil (-0.5) = ?-0.5? = 0
ceil (0) = ?0? = 0
Floor(x) = ?x? gives the least integer less greater than or equal to x.

How to Use Floor and Ceiling Functions Calculator

1 - Enter x and press "Calculate floor(x) and ceil(x)".

x =

floor() =
ceil() =

More References and Links

Floor and Ceiling Functions.
Math Calculators and Solvers in this site.