Gallons (gal) and Liters (l) Conversion Calculator

An online gallons and liters conversion calculator is presented. Problems involving conversion of gallons and liters are included.
Gallons and liters may be abbreviations as follows
1 gallon may be written 1 gal
1 liter may be written as 1 l

Conversion Formula of Gallons and Liters [1]

The US gallon and the imperial gallon used (or was used) in the UK, Canada and other countries have different conversion (into liters) rates.
1 US gallon = 3.785412 liters
1 Imperial gallon = 4.546090 liters

1 liter = (1 / 3.785412) US gallon
1 liter = ( 1 / 4.546090 ) Imperial gallon

Examples of Conversion

Example 1 - Convert 11.5 US gallons to liters and round to the nearest tenth of a liter
11.5 US gallons = 11.5 US gal × 3.785412 = 43.532238 l
Round to the nearest tenth is the same as rounding to one decimal place
11.5 US gallons = 43.5 l

Example 2 - Convert 153.2 liters into US and Imperial gallons and round answers to two decimal places
153.2 liters = ( 153.2/3.785412 ) US gal= 40.4711561119 US gal
Round to two decimal places
153.2 liters = 40.47 US gal

153.2 liters = ( 153.2/4.546090 ) Imperial gal = 33.6992888394 Imperial gal
Round to two decimal places
153.2 liters = 33.70 Imperial gal

Use of Conversion Calculator

Enter the number of gallons, selecting US or Imperial gallons, or liters (l) and convert.

Convert gallons to liters

Convert liters to gallons

Decimal Places

Problems Involving gallons and liters Conversions

Problem 1
There are 158.9873 liters in one barrel of oil. How many US gallons are there in 20 barrels of oil? Round the answer to the nearest US gallon.

Twenty barrels of oil has
20 × 158.9873 l = 3179.746 l
Convert 3179.746 l into US gal
3179.746 l = ( 3179.746 / 3.785412 ) US gal = 839.999978866 US gal
Convert to the nearest gallon
20 barrels of oil = 840 US gallons

Problem 2
One US gallon of gasoline costs $4.2. What is the price of 1 liter of gasoline? Round to the nearest cent.

The price per gallon is
$4.2 / US gallon
Substitute US gallon by 3.785412 liters in the above
$4.2 / US gallon = $4.2 / 3.785412 liters = $ 1.10952255659 / liter
Round to the nearest cent is the same as rounding to two decimal places. Hence the price of gasoline is
$ 1.11 / liter

Problem 3
A cylindrical water tank has a radius of r = 50 cm and a height of h = 120 cm. How many Imperial gallons of water can this tank hold, given that 1000 cm^3 = 1 liter? Round the answer to the tenth of a gallon.

The volume V of the tank is given by
V = π r^2 h = π 50^2 × 120 = 30000 π cm^3.
Convert V in liters given that 1000 cm^3 = 1 liter
V = 30000 π cm^3 / 1000 = 30 π liters
Convert V in gallons
V = ( 30 π / 4.546090 ) Imperial gallons = 20.7316132342
Round to the nearest tenth
V = 20.7 Imperial gallons

More References and links

  1. www.nist.gove.pdf
  2. Online Calculators
  3. Units Conversion and Calculators
  4. Geometry Calculators