Pound (lb) and Kilograms (Kg) Conversion Calculator

An online lb (pound) and Kg (Kilogram) converter is presented. Problems involving conversions between pounds and Kg are also included.
In what follows a pound is abbreviated as "lb" and a kilogram as "Kg".

Conversion Formula of Pound into Kg [1]

1 lb = 0.45359237 Kg
1 Kg = (1/0.45359237) lb = 2.20462262185 lb

Examples of Conversion

Example 1 - Convert 12.5 lb into Kg and round answer to 1 decimal place.
12.5 lb = 12.5 × 0.45359237 Kg = 5.669904625 Kg
Round to 1 decimal place
12.5 lb = 5.7 Kg

Example 2 - Convert 1.56 kg into lb and round answer to 1 decimal place.
1.56 kg = 1.56 × 2.20462262185 lb = 3.43921129009 lb
Round to 1 decimal place
1.56 kg = 3.4 lb

Use of lb and kg Conversion Calculators

Enter the number of pounds (lb) or kilograms (kg) to be converted and convert.

lb         kg

kg         lb

Decimal Places


Problems Involving lb and Kg Conversions

Problem 1
A cow consumes 2% of its body weight daily. How many days will 10,000 Kg of cow feed last for a cow whose weight is 1600 lb? Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

Let W be 2% of the body weight of the cow. Hence
W = 2% × 1600 lb = 32 lb
Convert the cow feed available to lb
10,000 Kg = 10,000 × 2.20462262185 lb = 22046.2262185 lb
The number N of days that 22046.2262185 lb will feed a cow that consumes 32 lb daily is given by
N = ( 22046.2262185 lb ) / ( 32 lb) = 688.944569328 days.
Round the answer to the nearest whole number of days
N = 689 days

Problem 2
A restaurant uses 5 Kg of potatoes and 2 Kg of carrots every day. The potatoes are sold in bags of 5 lb and the carrots are sold in bags of 0.5 lb. A bag of potatoes costs $7 and a bag of carrots cost $3.
How much does this restaurant spend on potatoes and carrots in 30 days?

In 30 days
30 × 5 Kg = 150 Kg of potatoes are used
Convert 150 Kg into pounds
150 Kg = 150 × 2.20462262185 lb = 330.693393277 lb
Number N1 of bags of potatoes corresponding to 330.693393277 lb is given by
N1 = ( 330.693393277 lb ) / ( 5 lb) = 66.1386786554
Round to the nearest higher whole number
N1 = 67 bags of potatoes

In 30 days
30 × 2 Kg = 60 Kg of carrots are used
Convert 60 Kg into pounds
60 Kg = 60 × 2.20462262185 lb = 132.277357311 lb
Number N2 of bags of carrots corresponding to 132.277357311 lb is given by
N2 = ( 132.277357311 lb )/( 0.5 lb ) = 264.554714622
Round to the nearest higher whole number
N2 = 265 bags of carrots
The cost C of the potatoes and carrots in 30 days is given by
C = N1 × $7 + N2 × $3 = 67 × $7 + 265 × $3 = $1264

Problem 3
One pound of boneless chicken costs $10. How much does a kilogram of boneless chicken cost?

We need to convert $10 / pound into $x/ kg. Find x
1 pound = 0.45359237 Kg
Substitute pound by 0.45359237 Kg and write the cost as
$10 / pound = $10 / 0.45359237 Kg
Divide 10 by 0.45359237 to obtain the price P per kg as
P = $22.0462262185 / kg
to the nearest cent, the price of boneless chicken is
P = $22.05 / kg

More References and links

  1. www.nist.gove.pdf
  2. Units Conversion and Calculators
  3. Math Calculators and Solvers.


