Convert Yards, Feet and Inches

\( \)\( \)\( \)\( \)\( \)\( \)\( \) \( \require{cancel} \)

Conversion between yards, feet and inches examples with solutions are presented including more More questions with solutions .

Table of Conversion and Factor of Conversion

The relationships between \( \text{ yards (yd)} \) , \( \text{ feet (ft)} \) and \( \text{ inches (in)} \) are given by
\( 1 \text{ yard (yd)} = 3 \text{ feet (ft)} \)
\( 1 \text{ foot (ft)} = 12 \text{ inches (in)} \)
\( 1 \text{ yard (yd)} = 36 \text{ inches (in) } \)

Examples of Conversion with Solutions

Example 1
Convert \( 7 \text{ ft} \) to \( \text{ in} \).
Solution to Example 1

Since \( 1 \text{ ft} = 12 \text{ in} \) (given in table of conversion above), substitute \( \text{ft} \) by \( 12 \text{ in} \) the given "\( 7 \text{ ft} \)" and multiply as follows
\( 7 \text{ ft} = 7 \times 12 \text{ in} \)
\( 7 \text{ ft} = ( 7 \times 12) \text{ in} = 84 \text{ in} \)

Example 2
\( 5 \text{ yd} \) to \( \text{ ft} \).
Solution to Example 2

Since \( 1 \text{ yd} = 3 \text{ ft} \) (given in table of conversion above), substitute \( \text{ yd} \) by \( 3 \text{ ft} \) in the given "\( 5 \text{ yd} \)" and multiply
\( 5 \text{ yd} = 5 \times 3 \text{ ft} \)
\( 5 \text{ yd} = (5 \times 3) \text{ ft} = 15 \text{ ft} \)

Example 3
\( 12 \text{ ft} \) to \( \text{ yd} \).
Solution to Example 3

from the table of conversion above, \( 1 \text{ yd} = 3 \text{ ft} \). Write \( 12 \text{ ft} \) as a multiple of \( 3 \text{ ft} \) as follows
\( 12 \text{ ft} = 4 \times (3 \text{ ft}) \)
Substitute \( 3 \text{ ft} \) by \( \text{ yd} \) and write
\( 12 \text{ ft} = 4 \text{ yd} \)

Example 4
Convert \( 36 \text{ in} \) to \( \text{ ft} \).
Solution to Example 4

Since \( 1 \text{ ft} = 12 \text{ in} \) (from the table of conversion above), write \( 36 \text{ in} \) as a multiple of \( 12 \text{ in} \).
\( 36 \text{ in} = 3 \times ( 12 \text{ in} ) \)
Substitute \( 12 \text{ in} \) by \( \text{ ft} \)
\( 36 \text{ in} = 3 \text{ ft} \)

Example 5
Convert \( 17 \text{ ft} \) to \( \text{ yd} \) and \( \text{ ft} \).
Solution to Example 5

From table of conversion above, \( 1 \text{ yard (yd)} = 3 \text{ feet (ft)} \), we therefore need to write \( 17 \text{ ft} \) as a multiple of \( 3 \text{ ft}\) if possible using division.
The division of \( 17 \) by \( 3 \) gives \( 5 \) and a remainder equal to \( 2 \). Hence
\( 17 = 5 \times 3 + 2 \)
which may be used to write
\( 17 \text{ ft} = 5 × (3 \text{ ft}) + 2 \text{ ft} \)
Substitute \( 3 \text{ ft} \) by \( \text{ yd} \) and write
\( 17 \text{ ft} = 5 \text{ yd} + 2 \text{ ft} \)
which may also be written as
\( 17 \text{ ft} = 5 \text{ yd} \; \; 2 \text{ ft} \)

Example 6
Convert \( 21.4 \text{ ft} \) to decimal \( \text{ yd} \) and round the answer to two decimal places.
Solution to Example 6

From table of conversion \( 1 \text{ yd} = 3 \text{ ft} \).
The number of \( \text{ yd} \) in \( 21.4 \text{ ft} \) is found by division as follows
\( 21.4 \text{ ft} = ( 21.4 \div 3 ) \text{ yd} \)
Evaluate the division
\( 21.4 \text{ ft} = 7.13333333333 \text{ yd} \)
Round to two decimal places
\( 21.4 \text{ ft} = 7.13 \text{ yd} \)


Convert the following

  1.    \( 9 \text{ yd} \) to \( \text{ ft} \)
  2.    \( 5 \text{ ft} \) to \( \text{ in} \)
  3.    \( 21 \text{ ft} \) to \( \text{ yd} \)
  4.    \( 36 \text{ in} \) to \( \text{ ft} \)
  5.    \( 3 \text{ yd} \) to \( \text{ in} \)
  6.    \( 32 \text{ in} \) to \( \text{ ft} \) and \( \text{ in} \)
  7.    \( 41 \text{ in} \) to decimal \( \text{ yd} \) and round the answer to two decimal places.

More References and links

  1. Convert Units of Measurements
  2. Units Conversion and Calculators
  3. Online Calculator to Convert Time from Decimal to Hours, Minutes and Seconds
  4. Online Calculator to Convert Time From Hours, Minutes and Seconds to Decimal