Multiply Polynomials

This example is about multiplying polynomials

Example 1


  1. $6x^3-10x^2+4x$

  2. $6x^2-10x+4$

  3. $-6x^3-10x^2+4x$

  4. $6x^3+10x^2+4x$

  5. $6x^3+10x^2-4x$


This example is about mutliplying (or expanding) and simplifying polynomials.

  1. The 5 possible answers are all polyniomials in expanded form therefore we need to expand the given polynomial starting by expanding $(-3x+2)(-2x+2)$ first

    $x(-3x+2)(-2x+2)= x(6x^2-6x-4x+4)$

    Group like terms


    Expand further


    Answer A