Example Question 3

Example corresponding to question 3 in college algebra 2.

Example 1

If $log_3(9^a)=7$, then $a =$ ?

  1. $7$

  2. $14$

  3. $3\dfrac{1}{2}$

  4. $7\dfrac{1}{2}$

  5. $1$


  1. We first use the relationship between logarithmic and exponential function " $log_a(x)=y$ if and only if $a^y=x$ " to rewrite the given equation as follows


  2. We now substitute $9$ by $3^2$ in the above equation


  3. Which may be written as


  4. The left and right terms in the above equations are exponentials expressions to the same base, hence


    $a = \dfrac{7}{2} = 3\dfrac{1}{2}$

    Answer C