Free SAT Maths Test Practice Questions with Answers - Sample 2

A set of SAT Maths questions, with answers and detailed solutions similar to the questions in the SAT maths test are presented.

  1. In the number 12ab, a and b are digits. Find a and b such that the number 12ab is divisible by 2, 5 and 7.
    A) a = 2 , b = 7
    B) a = 2 , b = 5
    C) a = 7 , b = 0
    D) a = 7 , b = 5
    E) a = 6 , b = 0

  2. What is the average (arithmetic mean) of all numbers multiples of 6 from 6 to 510 inclusive?
    A) 516
    B) 258
    C) 1530
    D) 252
    E) 1510

  3. Which of the following numbers can be expressed as the product of 3 different integers greater than 1?
    I) 24
    II) 27
    III) 48
    A) I and III only
    B) I and II only
    C) I, II and III
    D) I only
    E) III only

  4. If 60% of a is equal to 120% of b, then
    2a - 4b = ?

    A) 2a
    B) 0.5a
    C) 0
    D) 3a
    E) -360

  5. (41000)(82000) / (162000) =

    A) 2
    B) 3
    C) 4
    D) 1
    E) 5

  6. If n is a positive integer divisible by 2, 5 and 7, which of the following is true?
    I) n2 + 100 is divisible by 100
    II) n + 28 is divisible by 14
    III) n2 + 1 is divisible by 2
    A) I and II only
    B) I, II and III
    C) None
    D) I and III only
    E) II and III only

  7. A spherical block of metal weighs 12 pounds. What is the weight, in pounds, of another block of the same metal if its radius is 3 times the radius of the 12-pound block?
    A) 324
    B) 15
    C) 36
    D) 108
    E) 4

  8. If the ages of students in a class vary between 18 and 22 inclusive, which of the following describes all possible ages x in this class?
    A) |x - 18|≤4
    B) |x + 20|≤2
    C) |x - 21|≤1
    D) |x - 22|≤0
    E) |x - 20|≤2

  9. If r% of y is A, what is y?
    A) A / r
    B) A / 100r
    C) r / 100A
    D) 100r / A
    E) 100A / r

  10. Five years ago Ben was 4 times as old as Julie. If Julie is 10 years old now, how old is Ben?
    A) 40
    B) 25
    C) 14
    D) 19
    E) 30

  11. If (x + 2) / 7 is an integer greater than 2, then the remainder, when x is divided by 7 is
    A) 2
    B) 5
    C) 6
    D) 4
    E) 3

  12. For how many positive integer values of n will the value of the expression 2n2 + 1 be an integer greater than 2 and smaller than 400?
    A) 16
    B) 32
    C) 28
    D) 14
    E) 15

  13. If x + y = √22 and x - y = √10, then xy =
    A) √22 √10
    B) 3
    C) 12
    D) 55
    E) 16

  14. In the figure below, the 3 circles have equal radii and are tangent to each other and to the sides of the rectangle. The width of the rectangle is 20 feet long. What is the area of the shaded (red) region outside and enclosed by all three circles?

    sat problem 14.

    A) 50√3 / 2
    B) 25Pi
    C) 2√3 + 25Pi
    D) 50√3 - 25Pi
    E) 25(2√3 - Pi) / 2

  15. If 2x + 1 = -x + 3, what is the value of
    (2/3)x + 1/3?

    A) 1
    B) 1/3
    C) 2/3
    D) 7/9
    E) 5/9

  16. If a < b < c < d and the average (arithmetic mean) of a, b, c and d is m, which of the following is true?
    I) a + b < c + d
    II) m < d and a < m
    III) b < m < c
    A) II only
    B) I only
    C) III only
    D) I and II only
    E) II and III only

  17. If x, y and z are positive numbers such that 5 x = y/4, y/4 = z/5 and y + z = x/k, what is the value of k?
    A) 1/2
    B) 1/25
    C) 1/5
    D) 1/45
    E) 5/4

  18. Two square tables have sides of 10 and 15 inches respectively. The area of the larger table is what percent more than the area of the smaller table?
    A) 50%
    B) 15%
    C) 125%
    D) 25%
    E) 5%

  19. Find -a + b - c + d if
    (x - 1/5)(x + 1)(x + 3/7) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d
    for all real values of x.
    A) 0
    B) 1
    C) 2
    D) 3
    E) 4

  20. In the figure below line l is parallel to line k and line g is parallel to line h. What is the value of y?

    sat problem 20 .

    A) 10
    B) 20
    C) 5
    D) 15
    E) 35

  21. Line l has equation y - 2x = 2. What is the equation of line p which is the reflection of line l on the line y = x?
    A) y = 0.5x - 1
    B) y = 2x - 1
    C) y = x + 2
    D) y = -2x - 2
    E) y = x

  22. Mike drove 30 miles, at a constant speed, for t hours and then drove y miles, at another constant speed, for 1 hour and 15 minutes. What was his average speed, in miles per hour, for the whole journey?
    A) (30/t + y/1.25) / 2
    B) (30 + y) / (t + 1.25)
    C) (30 + y) / t
    D) (30 + y) / 1.25
    E) (30 + y) / 2(t + 1.25)

  23. If M and N are negative integers and -3M + 4N = 10, which of the following could be the value of N?
    A) -2
    B) -4
    C) -6
    D) -7
    E) -9

  24. If x6 = 20, what is x8?
    A) 4003√(20)
    B) 10√(20)
    C) 20√(20)
    D) 203√(20)
    E) 3√(20)

  25. n is an integer chosen at random from the set {2,5,6} and p another integer chosen at random from the set {6,9,10}. What is the probability that the two numbers n and p are even?
    A) 2/9
    B) 5/9
    C) 4/9
    D) 1/9
    E) 7/9

  26. Three collinear points A, B and C are such that point B is between points A and C. The distance from A to B is 8 more than 4 times the distance from B to C and the distance from A to C is 5 times the distance from B to C. What is the distance from A to C?
    A) 4
    B) 20
    C) 16
    D) 24
    E) 12

Answers to the Above Questions
  1. E
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. E
  9. E
  10. B
  11. B
  12. C
  13. B
  14. E
  15. D
  16. D
  17. D
  18. C
  19. A
  20. E
  21. A
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B

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