Degree Calculator

An online calculator to add and subtract two angles given in degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS) form.

Table of Conversion Used in Degree Calculator

1 degree = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds.
1 degree = 3600 seconds

Examples in Degree Calculator

Example: A1 and A2 are two angles given by A1 = 45° 34' 56" and A2 = 25° 45' 39". Find A1 + A2 and A1 - A2.
Addition of two angles
Let S = A1 + A2 = 45° 34' 56" + 25° 45' 39"
add degrees together, minutes together and seconds together
S = (45 + 25)° (34 + 45)' (56 + 39)" = 70° 79' 95"
We now need to convert 79' to degrees : 79' = 1° 19' and 95" to minutes: 95" = 1' 35" and substitute
S = 70° 79' 95" = 70° + (1° 19') + (1' 35") = 71° + 20' + 35"

Subtraction of two angles
With the subtraction and / or signed angles, it might be easier to convert each angle into seconds, subtract and convert again into degrees, minutes and seconds.
A1 = 45° 34' 56" = 45 × 3600 + 34 × 60 + 56 = 164096"
A2 = 25 × 3600 + 45 × 60 + 39 = 92739"
Let D = A1 - A2 = 164096 - 92739 = 71357"
Convert 71357" into dgrees
D = 71357" / 3600 = 19.8213888889° = 19° + 0.8213888889 × 60' = 19° 49' + 0.2833333333 × 60" = 19° 49' 17"

How to Use the Degree Calculator

1 - Enter the size of the angles A1 and A2 in degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS) form, check your input and press "Add / Subtract". The outputs are the sum A1 + A2 and the difference A1 - A2 in two forms: degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS) and also in degrees decimal form.
Example of angles A1 and A2
22 ° 34 ' 23 " (positive angle in DMS form)
-56 ° 12 ' 45 " (negative angle in DMS form)
-0 ° 23' 56" (negative angle less than 1 degree)

A1 = °     '     "
A2 = °     '     "
Decimal Places =
A1 + A2 = °     '     "
= °
A1 - A2 = °     '     "
= °

More References and links

  1. Convert Angles from Decimal to Degrees, Minutes and Seconds
  2. Convert Angles From Degrees to radians
  3. Convert Angles From Radians to Degrees
  4. Math Calculators and Solvers.

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