Fraction Calculator

An online fraction calculator that may be used to learn how to reduce, add and multiply fractions with the steps of these operations included.
The lowest common multiple (LCM) is used to set fractions to the same denominator. Fractions are reduced, if needed, by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest commom factor (GCF).

Reduce Fractions Calculator

Enter the numerator and denominator of the fraction and then press "Reduce Fraction".
The numerator and denominator may take any integer values (positive or negative) but not equal to zero. The output includes the different steps to reduce fractions.

Reduce Fraction with Steps

Add Fractions Calculator

Enter the numerators and denominators of the two fractions and then press "Add Fractions".
The numerators and denominators may take any integer values (positive or negative) but the denominators must be different from zero. The output includes the different steps to add fractions.
If a fraction with a negative denominator is entered, it will be first converted to a fraction with positive denominator before any calculations. For example \( \dfrac{2}{-3} \) will be transformed as \( \dfrac{-2}{3} \).

_________    +    _________

Add Fractions with Steps

Multiply Fractions Calculator

Enter the numerators and denominators of the two fractions and then press "Multiply Fractions".
The numerators and denominators may take any integer values (positive or negative) but the denominators must be different from zero. The output includes the different steps to multiply fractions.
_________    x    _________

Multiply Fractions with Steps

More References and Links

Greatest Common Factor
Lowest Common Multiple
fraction calculators.
Divisibility Test Calculator.
Prime Factors Calculator.