Convert Time From Hours, Minutes and Seconds to Decimal Hours

An online calculator to convert the time from hours, minutes and seconds into decimal using the fact that
1 hour = 60 minutes
and 1 minute = 60 seconds.


Convert the time of 2 hours , 7 minutes and 48 seconds to a decimal form.
Convert the 7 minutes and 48 seconds in seconds knowing that 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds.
7 minutes and 48 seconds = 7 × 60 + 48 = 420 + 48 = 468 seconds
we now convert 468 seconds in hours knowing that 1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds. Hence
468 seconds = 468 / 3600 hours = 0.13 hours
2 hours , 7 minutes and 48 seconds = 2.13 hours

How to use the calculator

1 - Enter the time in hours, minutes and seconds format and press "enter". Default inputs corresponding to the above example are shown. Input more examples and check them analytically as is shown in the above example. The answer is in hours decimal format.

hours minutes seconds

More References and Links

Math Calculators and Solvers .
