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“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think
critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr Abdelkader Dendane, PH.D applied Mathematics, B.Sc Electronics
Professional Experience
I have been involved in the subject of mathematics to model engineering and physics systems, as a lecturer and facilitator. I have been involved in several projects where mathematics was applied to solve problems in physics and engineering such as antennas and waveguides.
I taught Pre calculus, calculus, applied mathematics, Eletromagnetic wave theory, communication systems.
Research works: Analytical and numerical methods/computing applied to problems related to wave proapgation and such as antennas and waveguides.
I believe that a student on any math learner needs to
better understand mathematical concepts and objects which leads to a deeper
understanding of these objects which in turn leads to better problem solving and applications.
Positions Held
Lecturer in Mathematics - UAE University - UGRU (UAE) August 1995 to 2018.
Lecturer in Mathematics and Electromagnetic theory - Glasgow University ( UK) Sept. 1993 - August 1994.
Research Assistant - Mathematical modeling of antenna systems - Glasgow University ( UK) - Sept. 1990 - August 1993.
Lecturer - Mathematics, Communications Engineering - University of Science (Oran - Algeria) - Sept. 1986 - Sept 1990.
Research Assistant - Mathematical modeling of antenna systems - Glasgow University ( UK) - April 1985 - April 1986.
Research assistant - Mathematical modeling of waveguides - University of Nottingham (UK) - April 1984 - April 1985.
Ph.D. in applied mathematics and computing - University of Nottingham (UK) - 1980-1984.
Numerical modeling of wave propagation in the atmosphere.
B.Sc in Electronics and applied mathematics - University of Oran - Algeria - 1974-79.
1- 'Scattered Field Analysis of a Focused Reflector Using the Gabor Series'
IEE Proc. Microw. Antennas., Vol. 141, Number 3, June 1994, Page 216.
2- 'Gabor representation of scattered fields by dual reflector systems.'
IEE, 8-th International conference 'Antennas and propagation 'U-K, Herriot-Watt
university, 30 March 1993.
3- 'intrinsic Mode Theory of Corrugated Horns'
IEE Proc. Vol. 136, Pt H, Numb. 3, June 1989, Page 250.
4- 'Beam propagation From tapered Waveguides'
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics.
Vol. QE-22, Numb. 9, Sept. 1986, Page 1551.
5- 'Intrinsic Mode Theory of Tapered Optical Waveguide'
IEE Proc. Vol. 132, pt J, Numb.6, Dec. 1985, Page 314.
1 - A Dendane, "Exploring topics in mathematics using computer software", the second annual conference for middle east teachers of science, mathematics and computing. METSMaC , march 2006, abu dhabi, UAE.
2 - A Dendane, "Problem Based Learning at UGRU", The 7th Annual Research Conference at UAE University , 22 to 24 April 2006, Al Ain, UAE.
3 - A Dendane, "Group Work and Problem Based Learning", the third annual conference for middle east teachers of science, mathematics and computing. METSMaC , 17 to 19 march 2007, abu dhabi, UAE.
4 - A. Dendane, “Infusing Thinking Skills in Mathematics Lessons”, 8 th annual research conference, UAE University. April 24 th 2007, Al Ain 2007.