A calculator for triple integrals is presented.
Double integral of the form
\[ \displaystyle \int_{z_1}^{z_2} \int_{y_1}^{y_2} \int_{x_1}^{x_2} f(x,y,z) dx dy dz\]
are calculated using the calculator below. The limits of integration may be real numbers or letters such as \( a, b ,...\)
1 - Enter and edit function \( f(x,y,z) \) and click "Enter Function" then check what you have entered.
Note that the five operators used are: + (plus) , - (minus), / (division) , ^ (power) and * (multiplication). (example: f(x,y,z = x+y*z+sin(y+z)+2).(more notes on editing functions are located below)
2 - Click "Calculate Integral".
Notes: In editing functions, use the following:
1 - The five operators used are: + (plus) , - (minus), / (division) , ^ (power) and * (multiplication). (example: f(x,y,z) = x+y*z+sin(y+z)+2 )
2 - The function square root function is written as (sqrt). (example:sqrt(x+y+z)
3 - The exponential function is written as (e^x). (Example: e^(2*x+2) )
4 - The log base e function is written as ln(x). (Example: ln(3*x-y) )
Here are some examples of functions that you may copy and paste to practice:
x + y + z x^2 + ln(yz) x*y*z x + y + z + e^(x+y+z) x*sqrt(x^2+1)+y+z^2
2*sin(2x-2) e^(2x-3)
(x+y+z)/(x*y*z) (x^3+y^2+z^2)/(x*y*z) x*y*z*log(x*y*z)
Integrals Calculator
Definite Integral Calculator
Double Integral Calculator