Questions on Complex Numbers

Questions with Answers

Question 1

Add and express in the form of a complex number \( a + b i \) the expression \[ \dfrac{(2 + 3i) + (-4 + 5i) - (9 - 3i)}{3} \]

Question 2

Multiply and express in the form of a complex number \( a + b i \) the expression \[ (-5 + 3i)(- 4 + 8i) \]

Question 3

Divide and express in the form of a complex number \( a + b i \) the expression \[ \dfrac{(-1 - 2i)}{(- 4 + 3i)} \]

Question 4

Find the complex conjugate to. \[ 1 + 8 i \]

Question 5

Express in the form of a complex number \( a + b i \). \[ \dfrac{(-5 - i)(- 7 + 8i)}{(2 - 4i)} \]

Question 6

Express in the form of a complex number \( a + b i \).
\[ - (7 - i)(- 4 - 2i)(2 - i) \]

Question 7

Express in the form of a complex number \( a + b i \). \[ \dfrac{i}{(1 - i)} \]

Question 8

Solve for real \( x \) and \( y \) the equation \[ 2 y + i x = 4 + x - i \]

Question 9

Find \( a \) and \( b \), where a and b are real numbers so that
\[ a + i b = (2 - i)^2 \]

Question 10

Find the complex conjugate to \[ - 3 i \]

Solution to Above Questions

question 1: \( \quad -5 + 9 i\)
question 2: \( \quad -4 - 52 i\)
question 3: \( \quad - 2 / 25 + (11 / 25) i\)
question 4: \( \quad 1 - 8 i\)
question 5: \( \quad 109 / 10 + (53 / 10) i\)
question 6: \( \quad 70 - 10 i\)
question 7: \( \quad -1 / 2 + i / 2\)
question 8: \( \quad x = -1 , y = 3 / 2\)
question 9: \( \quad a = 3 , b = -4\)
question 10: \( \quad 3 i\)

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