Centimeters (cm) and Inches (in) Conversion Calculator

An online cm and inches conversion calculator is presented. Problems involving convertion of centimeters and inches are included.
The following symbols and abbreviations are used to denote centimeters and inches
1 centimeter may be written as 1 cm
1 inch may be written as 1 in or 1"

Conversion Formula of Cm and Inches [1]

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters.
1 cm = (1/2.54) inches = 0.3937007874 inches

Examples of Conversion

Example 1 - Convert a 2.1 cm to inches and round answer to 5 decimal places
2.1 cm = 2.1 × 0.3937007874 inches = 0.82677165354 inches
Round to 4 decimal places
2.1 cm = 0.82677 inches

Example 2 - Convert 4.6 inches to cm and round answer to the nearest cm
4.6 inches = 4.6 × 2.54 cm = 11.684 cm
Round to the nearest cm means round to the nearest unit
4.6 inches = 12 cm

Use of in and cm Conversion Calculator

Enter the number of centimeters (cm) and inches (in) to be converted and convert.

cm         inches

inches         cm

Decimal Places


Problems Involving cm and inches Conversions

Problem 1
A fence of length 600 cm is to be constructed using pallets of length 48 in. How many pallets are needed?

First convert 600 cm into inches
600 cm = 600 × 0.3937007874 in = 236.22 in
The number N of pallets is given by
N = 236.22 in / 48 in = 5 , rounded to the nearest higher whole number
Note that the result above was rounded to the nearest higher whole number as the number of pallets is a whole number.

Problem 2
What is the area, in square centimeters, of a rectangular floor of dimensions 220 in by 150 in? Round the answer to the nearest square centimeter.

Convert the dimensions of the floor to cm.
L = 220 in = 220 × 2.54 cm = 558.8 cm
W = 150 in = 150 × 2.54 cm = 381 cm
The area A the rectangular floor, in square centimeters, is given by
A = W × W = 558.8 cm × 381 cm = 212902.8 cm2
Round to the nearest square cm means round to the nearest unit.
A = 212903 cm2

Problem 3
Convert the volume V = 123.5 cm3 into in3 and round to the nearest hundredth of an in3.

By definition
1 cm3 = 1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm
Use the conversion factor: 1 cm = 0.3937007874 inches to write
1 cm3 = 0.3937007874 inches × 0.3937007874 inches × 0.3937007874 inches = 0.06102374409 inches3
V = 123.5 cm3 = 123.5 × 0.06102374409 inches3 = 7.54 inches3
Note that the result above was rounded to the nearest hundredth of a cubic inch which corresponds to two decimal places.

Problem 4
Convert the volume V = 2900 in3 into cm3 and round to the nearest cm3.

By definition
1 in3 = 1 in × 1 in × 1 in
Use the conversion factor: 1 in = 2.54 cm to write
1 in3 = 2.54 cm × 2.54 cm × 2.54 cm = 16.387064 cm3
V = 2900 in3 = 2900 × 16.387064 cm3 = 47522.4856 cm3
Round to the nearest cm3 means round to the nearest unit.
V = 47522 cm3

More References and links

  1. www.nist.gove.pdf
  2. Online Calculators
  3. Units Conversion and Calculators
  4. Geometry Calculators