Pascals (Pa) and Millimeters of Mercury (mmHg) Conversion Calculator

An online conversion calculator of the unit of pressure Pascals (Pa) and millimeters of mercury (mmHg) is presented. Examples and problems involving conversion of Pa and mmHg are also included.

Conversion Formula of Pascals and Millimeters of Mercury (mmHG)[1]

The Pascal and millimeter of mercury (mmHg) are units of pressure with rate of conversion as follows:
1 mmHg = 133.3224 Pa
1 Pa = (1 / 133.3224) mmHg

Examples of Conversion

Example 1 - Convert 2.1 Pascals (Pa) to mmHg and round the answer to 4 decimal places.
Given that 1 Pa = (1 / 133.3224) mmHg,
2.1 Pa = 2.1 × (1 / 133.3224) mmHg = 0.0157512916 mmHg
Round to 4 decimal places
2.1 Pa = 0.0158 mmHg

Example 2 - Convert 694 mmHG to Pascals and round the answer to the nearest Pascal.
Given that 1 mmHg = 133.3224 Pa
694 mmHG = 694 × 133.3224 Pa = 92525.7456 Pa
Round answer to the nearest Pascal is similar to rounding to the nearest unit.
694 mmHG = 92526 Pa

Use of Conversion Calculator

Enter the number of Pascals (Pa) or the number of millimeter of mercury (mmHg) and convert.

Convert Pa to mmHg

Convert mmHg to Pa

Decimal Places

Problems Involving Pa and mmGh Conversions

Problem 1
The atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by the weight of the atmosphere on everything on earth is about 101,325 Pa at sea level. What is the atmospheric pressure in mmHg at sea level? Round the answer to the nearest unit.

Given that 1 Pa = (1 / 133.3224) mmHg,
101,325 Pa = 101,325 × (1 / 133.3224) mmHg = 759.999819985 mmHg.
Round to the nearest unit
101,325 Pa = 756 mmHg.

Problem 2
The air pressure at ground level is about 724 mmHg and the air pressure at cruising altitude of a commercial airplane is about 27000 Pa?
What is the ratio R of the pressure on the ground and the pressure at cruising altitude of a commercial airplane? Round the answer to the nearest tenth.
How many times is the pressure at ground level that of the pressure at cruising altitude?

Given that 1 mmHg = 133.3224 Pa, the air pressure at ground level, in Pascals, is
724 mmHg = 724 × 133.3224 Pa = 96525.4176 Pa
The ratio R is given by
R = ( 96525.4176 Pa ) / ( 27000 Pa ) = 3.57501546667
Round to the nearest tenth
R = 3.6
The pressure at ground level is 3.6 times the pressure at cruising altitude.

Problem 3
For a given temperature, the product of the pressure P and the volume V, for a given mass of confined gas, is constant. (Boyle's law)
Given an amount of a certain gas at a given temperature, at the pressure P1 = 250000 Pa the volume of the gas is V1 = 2 liters. What pressure P2 in mmHg is needed to compress the volume of the same gas under the same conditions to 1.3 liters? Round the answer to the nearest unit.

The product of the pressure P1 and the volume V1 is given by
P1 × V1 = 250000 Pa × 2 l = 500000 Pa l
For a volume V2 = 1.3 l, the pressure is P2 and their product is constant (Boyle's law) and equal to 500000 Pa l. Hence
P2 × 1.3 = 500000 Pa l
Solve for P2
P2 = ( 500000 Pa l ) / ( 1.3 l) = 384615.384615 Pa
Given that 1 Pa = (1 / 133.3224) mmHg, P2 to mmHg is given by
P2 = 384615.384615 (1 / 133.3224) mmHg = 2884.85194247 mmHg
Round to the nearest unit
P2 = 2885 mmHg , is the pressure needed to decrease the volume to 1.3 liters.

More References and links

  1. www.nist.gove.pdf
  2. Units Conversion and Calculators
  3. Online Calculators
  4. Geometry Calculators