Yards (yd) Meters (m) Conversion Calculator

An online conversion calculator of yards, feet, inches and meters is presented. Examples and problems involving conversion of yards, feet, inches and meters are also included.

Conversion Formula Rates [1]

1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 foot = 12 inches = 12 × 2.54 centimeters = 30.48 centimeters
1 yard = 3 feet = 36 inches = 36 × 2.54 centimeters = 91.44 centimeters
1 centimeters = ( 1 / 2.54 ) inch
1 centimeters = ( 1 / 30.48 ) feet
1 centimeters = (1 / 91.44 ) yards
1 meter = 100 centimeter
1 centimeter = (1 / 100 ) meters

Abbreviations and Symbols [1]

1 yard = 1 yd
1 inch = 1 in = 1"
1 foot = 1 ft = 1'
1 centimeter = 1 cm
1 meter = 1 m

Examples of Conversion

Example 1 - Convert 12 yd 2 feet 7 in to meters and round the answer to the nearest unit.
Given that 1 yard = 91.44 cm, 1 foot = 30.48 centimeters and 1 inch = 2.54 cm,
12 yd 2 feet 7 in = 12 × 91.44 cm + 2 × 30.48 cm + 7 × 2.54 cm = 1176.02 cm
Given that 1 cm = (1 / 100 ) m
12 yd 2 feet 7 in = 1176.02 cm = 1176.02 * (1 / 100 ) m = 11.7602 m
Round to the nearest unit
12 yd 2 feet 7 in = 12 m

Example 2 - Convert 15.25 meter to yards, feet and inches
1 m = 100 cm
15.25 m = 15.25 × 100 cm = 1525 cm
Given that 1 yd = 91.44 cm, 1 cm = ( 1 / 91.44 ) yd
15.25 m = 1525 cm = 1525 × ( 1 / 91.44 ) yd = 16.6776027997 yd
16.6776027997 yd = 16 yd + 0.6776027997 yd
Given that 1 yd = 3 feet
16.6776027997 yd = 16 yd + 0.6776027997 × 3 ft = 16 yd + 2.0328083991 ft
Given that 1 ft = 12 in
16.6776027997 yd = 16 yd + 0.6776027997 × 3 ft = 16 yd + 2 ft + 0.0328083991 × 12 in = 16 yd + 2 ft + 0.3937007892 in
Round to the nearest inch
15.25 m = 16 yd 2 ft 0 in

Use of Conversion Calculator

Enter the number of yd ft in or the number of m and convert.

Convert yd ft in to m and cm
yd     ft     in    

Convert m to yd ft in

Decimal Places

Problems Yards and Meters Conversions

Problem 1
It costs $12.5 per (linear) meter to fence a rectangular field of length L = 25 yd 2 ft and width W = 20 yd 1 ft. What is the total cost of fencing the field along its perimeter?

Since the cost is per meter, convert the length and width in meters. Given that 1 foot = 30.48 centimeters, 1 yard = 91.44 cm and 1 cm = (1 / 100 ) m
L = 25 yd 2 ft = 25 × 91.44 cm + 2 × 30.48 cm = 2346.96 cm = 2346.96 × (1 / 100 ) m = 23.4696 m
W = 20 yd 1 ft = 20 × 91.44 cm + 1 × 30.48 cm = 1859.28 cm = 1859.28 × (1 / 100 ) m = 18.5928 m
The perimeter P is given by
P = 2 (L + W) = 2 ( 23.4696 m + 18.5928 m) = 84.1248 m
Total cost = 84.1248 m × $12.5/m = $1051.56

Problem 2
Convert the speed of 121.5 yd / sec into m / sec and round the answer to one decimal place.

Given that 1 yd = 91.44 cm and 1 cm = (1 / 100 ) m
1 yd = 91.44 cm = 91.44 × (1 / 100 ) m = 0.9144 m
121.5 yd / sec = 121.5 × 0.9144 m / sec = 111.0996 m / sec
Round to one decimal place
121.5 yd / sec = 111.1 m / sec

Problem 3
A cubic water tank with 6 square faces has 1.6 yd per side (of each square). How long does it take to fill the tank with water at the rate of 0.5 m^3 per hour?

Covert 1.2 yd into maters
1.6 yd = 1.6 × 91.44 × (1 / 100 ) m = 1.46304 m
The volume V of the cube in m^3 is given by
V = 1.46304 m * 1.46304 m * 1.46304 m = 3.1316166983 m^3
Time T taken to fill the cubic water tank is given by
T = 3.1316166983 m^3 / (0.5 m^3 / hrs ) = 6.2632333966 hrs
Convert time T into hrs , min and sec
T = 6.2632333966 hrs = 6 hrs 15 min 48 sec , time taken to fill the tank.

More References and links

  1. www.nist.gove.pdf
  2. Online Calculators
  3. Units Conversion and Calculators
  4. Geometry Calculators
  5. Convert Time from Decimal to Hours, Minutes and Seconds