Fractions and Percentages Questions with Solutions

Questions on fractions and percentages are presented. The answers to the questions are at the bottom of the page and the solutions to these questions are also included.
Note: A percentage is a fraction with denominator equal to 100.
For example: 20% is a fraction equal to 20 / 100


  1. What is 1/3 of 300?
    A) 100
    B) 900
    C) 1
    D) 10
    E) 9

  2. If 2/7 of x is equal to 6, then x =
    A) 12/7
    B) 1/21
    C) 84
    D) 42
    E) 21

  3. What is 15% of 45% of 1.4?
    A) 0.945
    B) 0.0945
    C) 9450
    D) 94.5
    E) 9.45

  4. What is 2/3 of 1/5 of 12,000?
    A) 1.1 10-5
    B) 8000
    C) 1600
    D) 2400
    E) 1.6

  5. If x% of 23 is 9.2, then x =
    A) 211.6
    B) 80
    C) 21.16
    D) 40
    E) 4

  6. On a 25 questions Math test, Peter got 60% of the 10 algebra questions correct, 80% of the 10 geometry questions correct and 60% of the 5 trigonometry questions correct. What percentage of all the questions did Peter get correct?
    A) 200%
    B) 66.6%
    C) 68%
    D) 25%
    E) 50%

  7. If 25% of y is x, then y =
    A) 0.25 x
    B) 2x
    C) 8x
    D) 0.50 x
    E) 4x

  8. What fraction subtracted from 1/2 + 4/5 gives 1?
    A) 1/2
    B) 4/5
    C) 3/10
    D) 9/10
    E) 3/5

  9. One out of 5 of a group of students took a math test, 28% of the same group took a science test and the rest took a history test. If each student took one test only, what percent of students took a history test?
    A) 80%
    B) 72%
    C) 48%
    D) 52%
    E) 50%

  10. If one fifth of y + 1 is equal to 2, then y + 2 =
    A) 11
    B) 9
    C) 8
    D) 7
    E) 6

Answers to the Above Questions

  1. A
  2. E
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D

  6. C
  7. E
  8. C
  9. D
  10. A

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