The Product of two Linear Functions Gives a Quadratic Function

Using basic algebra, as shown below, we can prove that the product of two linear functions gives a quadratic function. This property is explored interactively using an applet.

Let h and g be two linear functions of the form

h(x) = a x + b
g(x) = A x + B

where a and A are non zero constants. It can easily be shown that the product of functions h and g is a quadratic function. Let f be the function obtained as the product of g and h as follows:
f(x) = (h · g) (x) = h(x) · g(x) = ( a x + b ) · ( A x + B )
= a A x 2 + (a B + b A) x + b B
An applet below may be used to explore the properties of the quadratic function f obtained above by changing the parameters a, b , A and B included in the definition of the two linear functions. There are other tutorials you may want to work through later: tutorials on quadratic functions and graphing quadratic functions.

A - Quadratic Functions From Linear Functions : Interactive Tutorial

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Continue to Page 1 (quadratic Functions - General form)
Continue to Page 2 (Find quadratic Function given its graph)

More on quadratic functions and related topics
Derivatives of Quadratic Functions: Explore the quadratic function f(x) = ax 2 + b x + c and its derivative graphically and analytically.
Find Vertex and Intercepts of Quadratic Functions - Calculator: An applet to solve calculate the vertex and x and y intercepts of the graph of a quadratic function.
Tutorial on Quadratic Functions (1).
Quadratic Functions - Problems (1).
graphing quadratic functions .
quadratic functions in vertex form .