Logarithmic Equations Solver

Two online calculators and solvers for logarithmic equations of the form \( log_b(x) = a \) are presented.
We consider two cases:
1) Equations with the natural logarithm of the form \[ \ln(x) = a \] with base \( b = e \)
whose solution is given by
\[ x = e^a \]

2) Equations of the form \[ \log_b (x) = a \] with any base \( b \gt 0 \) , \( b \ne 1 \)
whose solution is given by
\[ x = b^a\]

Use the calculator to solve the equation \( \ln(x) = a \) for \( x \)

Enter \( a \), as a real number, and press "enter".

\( \ln(x) = a \) =

Number of Decimal Places =


Use the calculator to solve the equation \( \log_b(x) = a \) for \( x \)

Enter \( a \) , and \( b \) as real numbers, and press "enter". There are no real solutions for \( b \le 0 \) and/or \( b = 1 \).

\( \log_b(x) = a \) =
Base: \( b \) =

Number of Decimal Places =


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