Solve Equation with a Radical

\( \) \( \)\( \)
Solve each step below then click on "Show me" to check your answer. There is a graph at the bottom of the page that helps you further understand graphically the solution to the question shown below.

Step by step solution

STEP 1: Rewrite the equation so that the radical is on one side and all the other term on the other side.

STEP 2: Raise both sides of the equation obtained in step (1) and simplify.

STEP 3: Solve the linear equation obtained in step (2).

Graphical Meaning of Solution

Below are shown the graphs of the expression on the left side (green) and the right side (blue) of the given equation. When a solution exists, the x-coodinate of the point of intersection (red) of the two graphs is equal to the solution found. (Change scales if necessary)

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