Find The Equation of the Line perpendicular to Another Line

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A step by step worksheet solver to find the equation of a line through a point and perpendicular to another line given by its equation. As many practie questions as needed may be generated along with their solutions. Solve each step below then click on "Show me" to check your answer. The graphs of the two lines and the given point are shown at the bottom of the page; this will give a graphical meaning and better understanding to the solutions.

Step by step solution

STEP 1: - Solve for $y$ the equation given above and write it in slope intercept form: $y = mx + b$.

STEP 2: - Identify the slope $m_1$ of the line in step 1.

STEP 3: - Find the slope $m_2$ of the line perpendicular to the given line (perpendicular lines have slopes $m_1$ and $m_2$ such that $m_2 = -1/m_1$).

STEP 4: - Write the equation of the line in point slope form.

STEP 5: - Write the equation of the line in step 4 in slope intercept form.

Graphical Meaning of Solution

Below are the graphs of the given line (blue), the point (red) and the line found (green).

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