How to multiply monomials? Unlimited practice to understand and learn the skills in mutliplying and simplifying monomials. Examples are randomly generated , when you click on the blue buttons, and solved step by step so that the process is firmly understood.
The rule of exponent x mx n = x m+n will be used to simplify monomials in the examples below.
Multiply Monomials with One Variable
Question: Multiply and Simplify the Monomials
STEP 1: Identify the Coefficient of Each Monomial (shown in red)
STEP 2: Use Commutatitvity and Associativity to Rewrite Multiplication so that Coefficients are Together and Variables are Together
STEP 3: Multiply Coefficients and Variables and Simplify Using Exponent Rule Shown Above
STEP 4: Rewrite Result Without Parentheses
Multiply Monomials with Two Variables
Question: Multiply and Simplify the Monomials
STEP 1: Identify the Coefficient of Each Monomial (shown in red)
STEP 2: Use Commutatitvity and Associativity to Rewrite Multiplication so that Coefficients are Together and Variables are Together
STEP 3: Rewrite Multiplication so that Same Variables are Together
STEP 4: Multiply Coefficients, Simplify Using Exponent Rule Shown Above and Rewrite Results Without Parentheses