Multiply and Simplify Monomials

\( \) \( \)\( \)\( \)

How to multiply monomials? Unlimited practice to understand and learn the skills in mutliplying and simplifying monomials. Examples are randomly generated , when you click on the blue buttons, and solved step by step so that the process is firmly understood.

The rule of exponent    x mx n = x m+n    will be used to simplify monomials in the examples below.

Multiply Monomials with One Variable

Question: Multiply and Simplify the Monomials

STEP 1: Identify the Coefficient of Each Monomial (shown in red)

STEP 2: Use Commutatitvity and Associativity to Rewrite Multiplication so that Coefficients are Together and Variables are Together

STEP 3: Multiply Coefficients and Variables and Simplify Using Exponent Rule Shown Above

STEP 4: Rewrite Result Without Parentheses

Multiply Monomials with Two Variables

Question: Multiply and Simplify the Monomials

STEP 1: Identify the Coefficient of Each Monomial (shown in red)

STEP 2: Use Commutatitvity and Associativity to Rewrite Multiplication so that Coefficients are Together and Variables are Together

STEP 3: Rewrite Multiplication so that Same Variables are Together

STEP 4: Multiply Coefficients, Simplify Using Exponent Rule Shown Above and Rewrite Results Without Parentheses