Horizontal Stretching and Compression of Graphs

This applet helps you explore the changes that occur to the graph of a function when its independent variable x is multiplied by a positive constant a (horizontal stretching or compression). The functions to be explored are of the form


where f(x) is any of the three functions:
          f(x)=||x|-2| (a "W" shaped graph)

If needed, Free graph paper is available.

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objective:investigate the effects of the multiplication of the independent variable x of a function by a positive constant a.

1 - Click on the button above "click here to start" and MAXIMIZE the window obtained.

2 - Use the slider to set constant a to values smaller than 1 and observe the effect on the graph. Do these values of a compress or stretch the graph?

3 - Use the slider to set constant a to values larger than 1 and observe the effect on the graph. Do these values of a compress or stretch the graph?

Note: You have the choice (left panel, top) of any of the three functions f(x)=||x|-2| (this has a "W" shaped graph), f(x)=x
2 or f(x)=x3.

More pages and topics related to graph transormation (scaling, shifting) can be found in this site.

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