Quartiles Calculator


Given a data set of real numbers x1, x2, x3 ... xN, this calculator sorts the data values in ascending order, and computes the quartiles Q1, Q2 and Q3 and the interquartile range IQR defined by

IQR = Q3 - Q1


Use Quartiles Calculator

Enter the data set as a list of real numbers x1, x2, x3 ... xN separated by commas then press "Calculate Quartiles" and check the data entered. The outputs are:
  • the entered data (for checking)
  • the sorted data and the number of data values (count)
  • the quartiles and interquartile range .
"NaN" means "not a number" and when it is displayed for a data value, check that data value and make corrections before any calculations.
Enter Data Values: x1, x2, x3 ... =
Decimal Places =

Check Entered Data: =
Sorted Data: =
Count: =
Quartile (1): =        Quartile (2) (median): =         Quartile (3): =
Interquartile range IQR: =

More References and Links

Quartiles and box plots
Box Plots Calculator and Grapher
Statistics Calculators, Solvers and Graphers.