Find Distance, Slope and Equation of Line - Calculator

This calculator finds the distance between two given points A (xA , yA) and B (xB , yB), the slope and the equation of a line trough the two points A and B , and also the x and the y intercepts of the line.

Formulas for Distance, Slope and Equation Given two Points

This calculator uses the following formulas for the distance between two points
d(A,B) = √ [ (xA - xB) 2 + (yA - yB) 2 ]
The formula for the slope m
m = (yB - yA) / (xB - xA)
and the equation of a line in point slope form
y - yB = m (x - xB)

Use of Distance, Slope and Equation of Line Calculator

1 - Enter the x and y coordinates of two points A and B and press "enter". The distance between points A and B, the slope and the equation of the line through the two points will be calculated and displayed.
When the two points are on a vertical line (x coordinate of A equals the x coordinate of B), the slope is undefined and the equation of the line is of the form x = constant.
A = ( , )
B = ( , )
Decimal Places =
Slope =
d(A,B) =
x intercept:
y intercept:

More References and links

Solve Slope Problems
Equations of Lines in Different Forms
Solve Distance Problems
Math Calculators and Solvers.