Convert Polar to Rectangular Coordinates - Calculator

Convert polar to rectangular two dimensional coordinates using a calculator.

Polar and Rectangular Coordinates

The relationships between rectangular coordinates (x , y) and polar coordinates (R , t), using the figure below, are as follows:

y = R sin t and x = R cos t
R2 = x2 + y2 and tan t = y / x
where the quadrant of angle t is determined by the signs of x and y.

polar and rectangular coordinates of a point.

Figure 1. polar and rectangular coordinates of a point.

An html 5 applet is used to calculate x and y knowing R and t. Angle t may be in degrees or radians.

Use Calculator to Convert Polar to Rectangular Coordinates

1 - Enter angle t then R (positive). Depending on whether t is in degrees or radians, press the button "Convert" that is in the same row.
Decimal Places =

Enter t in Degrees

t = , R =

x = , y =

Enter t in Radians

t = ? , R =

x = , y =

More References and links

Convert Polar to Rectangular Coordinates and Vice Versa
Polar Coordinates and Equations
Convert Equation from Polar to Rectangular Form
Graphing Polar Equations
Maths Calculators and Solvers.