Convert Polar to Rectangular Coordinates - Calculator
Convert polar to rectangular two dimensional coordinates using a calculator.
Polar and Rectangular Coordinates
The relationships between rectangular coordinates (x , y) and polar coordinates (R , t), using the figure below, are as follows:
y = R sin t and
x = R cos t
R2 = x2 + y2 and tan t = y / x
where the quadrant of angle t is determined by the signs of x and y.
An html 5 applet is used to calculate x and y knowing R and t. Angle t may be in degrees or radians.
Use Calculator to Convert Polar to Rectangular Coordinates
1 - Enter angle t then R (positive). Depending on whether t is in degrees or radians, press the button "Convert" that is in the same row.
More References and links
Convert Polar to Rectangular Coordinates and Vice Versa
Polar Coordinates and Equations
Convert Equation from Polar to Rectangular Form
Graphing Polar Equations
Maths Calculators and Solvers.