Use First Derivative to Minimize Area of Pyramid
Optimization Problem

The first derivative is used to minimize the surface area of a pyramid with a square base.


Below is shown a pyramid with square base, side length \(x\), and height \(h\). Find the value of \(x\) so that the volume of the pyramid is 1000 cm3 and its surface area is minimum.
pyramid for problem 2

Solution to Problem 1:

This problem has been solved graphically. Here we solve it more rigorously using the first derivative.
We first use the formula of the volume of a pyramid to write the equation:
\[ \frac{1}{3} h x^2 = 1000\]
The pyramid is made up of 4 triangles and a square (base)
The area of one triangle is given by
\( s = \dfrac{1}{2} H x \)
The slant height \( H \) is given by
\( H = \sqrt{h^2 + \left(\frac{x}{2}\right)^2} \)
The surface area \(S\) of the pyramid is given by the sum of the 4 areas of the 4 triangle and the area of the base \( x^2 \).
\(S = 4 (\dfrac{1}{2} H x) + x^2\)
\(= 2x \sqrt{h^2 + \left(\frac{x}{2}\right)^2} + x^2\)
Solve the equation \(\dfrac{1}{3} h x^2 = 1000\) for \(h\) to obtain:
\(h = \dfrac{3000}{x^2}\)
Substitute \(h\) in the surface area formula by \(\dfrac{3000}{x^2}\) to obtain a formula for \(S\) in terms of \(x\) (\(x\) positive) only and rewrite it as follows:
\( S = 2x \sqrt{\left(\dfrac{3000}{x^2}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{x}{2}\right)^2} + x^2 \)
Rewrite \( S \) as
\(S = \sqrt{(36 \times 10^6 + x^6)} \cdot \dfrac{1}{x} + x^2\)
\( \quad = \dfrac{\sqrt{36 \times 10^6 + x^6}}{x} + x^2\)
Let constant \(k = 36 \times 10^6\) and differentiate \(S\) with respect to \(x\).
\(\dfrac{dS}{dx} = \left[\dfrac{3x^6(k + x^6)^{-1/2} - (k + x^6)^{1/2}}{x^2}\right] + 2x\)
Multiply numerator and denominator by \((k + x^6)^{1/2}\) and simplify.
\(\dfrac{dS}{dx} = \dfrac{2x^6 - k}{x^2(k + x^6)^{1/2}} + 2x\)
A graph of \(\dfrac{dS}{dx}\) is shown below. For \(x > 0\), \(\dfrac{dS}{dx}\) has a zero and is negative to the left of that zero and positive to the right of the zero. This means that \(S\) has a minimum value that may be located by setting \(\dfrac{dS}{dx} = 0\) and solve for \(x\).

graph of derivative dS/dx

\[\frac{2x^6 - k}{x^2(k + x^6)^{1/2}} + 2x = 0\]
Rewrite as.
\[\frac{2x^6 - k}{x^2} = -2x(k + x^6)^{1/2}\]
Let \(u = x^3\) and \(u^2 = x^6\) and rewrite the above as follows:
\[2u^2 - k = -2u(k + u^2)^{1/2}\]
Square both sides:
\[4u^4 + k^2 - 4ku^2 = 4u^2(k + u^2)\]
Simplify to obtain:
\[k^2 - 4ku^2 = 4ku^2\]
Solve for \(u\): (\(u\) positive since \(x\) positive)
\[u = \sqrt{\frac{k}{8}} \]
Finally solve for \(x\) to obtain:
\[x = \left(\sqrt{\frac{k}{8}}\right)^{1/3}\]
Substitute \(k\) by its value and calculate \(x\):
\[x = 12.8 \text{ cm}\] (rounded to 1 decimal place).
Below are shown the graphs of the surface area and its derivative.
graph of S and its derivative dS/dx

References and Links

calculus problems