Convert Logarithms and Exponentials

Relationship Between Exponential and Logarithm

The logarithmic functions Log Function and the exponential functions Exponential Function are inverse of each other, hence
Log Exponential Equivalency
where \( b \) is the common base of the exponential and the logarithm.
The above equivalence helps in solving logarithmic and exponential functions and needs a deep understanding. Examples, of how the above relationship between the logarithm and exponential may be used to transform expressions and solve problems are presented below.

Example 1

Change each logarithmic expression to an exponential expression.
1. \( \log_3 27 = 3 \)
2. \( \log_{36} 6 = 1 / 2 \)
3. \( \log_2 (1 / 8) = -3 \)
4. \( \log_8 2 = 1 / 3 \)

Solution to Example 1:
1. The logarithmic form \( \log_3 27 = 3 \) is equivalent to the exponential form \[ 27 = 3^3 \] 2. The logarithmic expression \( \log_{36} 6 = 1 / 2 \) is equivalent to the exponential expression \[ 6 = 36^{1/2} \] 3. The expression \( \log_2 (1 / 8) = - 3 \) in exponential form is given by \[ 1 / 8 = 2^{-3} \] 4. \( \log_8 2 = 1 / 3 \) in exponential form is given by \[ 2 = 8^{1/3} \]

Example 2

Change each exponential expression to a logarithmic expression.
1. \( 3^4 = 81 \)
2. \( 4^{1/2} = 2 \)
3. \( 3^{-1/3} = 1 / 27 \)
4. \( 10^3 = 1000 \)

Solution to Example 2:
1. The exponential form \( 3^4 = 81 \) is equivalent to the logarithmic form \[ 4 = \log_3 (81) \] 2. The exponential form \( 4^{1/2} = 2 \) is equivalent to the logarithmic form \[ 1 / 2 = \log_4 2 \] 3. \( 3^{-3} = 1 / 27 \) in logarithmic form is given by \[ -3 = \log_3 (1/ 27) \] 4. \( 10^3 = 1000 \) in logarithmic form is given by \[ 3 = \log_{10} 1000 \]

Example 3

Solve for \( x \) the following equations.
1. \( \log_3 x = 5 \)
2. \( \log_2 (x - 3) = 2 \)
3. \( 2 \log_3 (- x + 1) = 6 \)

Solution to Example 3:
1. To solve the equation \( \log_3 x = 5 \), rewrite it into exponential form \[ x = 3^5 \] 2. Rewrite the equation \( \log_2 (x - 3) = 2 \) into exponential form \[ x - 3 = 2^2 = 4 \] Solve for x \[ x = 4 + 3 = 7 \] 3.Divide all terms of the equation \( 2 \log_3 (- x + 1) = 6 \) by 2 \[ \log_3 (- x + 1) = 3 \] Rewrite the equation obtained in exponential form \[ - x + 1 = 3^3 = 27 \] Solve for x \[ x = - 26 \]

More References and Links Related to the Logarithmic Functions

Logarithm and Exponential Questions with Answers and Solutions
Rules of Logarithms and Exponentials - Questions with Solutions.

