Equation of Line Questions with Solutions

Question on how to find the slopes and equations of lines. A review of the concepts of slope and equations of lines are presented followed by questions with detailed solutions.

Slopes and Equations of Lines

Slope of a Line:

If a line passes through two distinct points P1(x1 , y1) and P2(x2, y2), its slope is given by:

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

with x2 not equal to x1.

General Equation of a Straight line:

The general equation of straight line is given by:

A x + B y = C

where A, B and C are constants and A and B cannot be both zero. An interactive exploration of the equations of lines of the form A x + B y = c is included.
Any straight line in a rectangular system has an equation of the form given above.

Slope intercept form of a Line:

The equation of a line with a defined slope m can also be written as follows:

y = m x + b

where m is the slope of the line and b is the y intercept of the graph of the line.
The above form is called the slope intercept form of a line. Further interactive tutorials on this form of lines are included.

Point-Slope form of a line:

An equation of a line through a point P(x1 , y1) with slope m is given by

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

Vertical and Horizontal lines:

a - If we set A to zero in the general equation, we obtain an equation in y only of the form

B y = C

which gives y = C / B = k; k is a constant. This is a horizontal line with slope 0 and passes through all points with y coordinate equal to k = C / B.

b - If we set B to zero in the general equation, we obtain

A x = C

which gives x = C / A = h; h is constant. This is a vertical line with undefined slope and passes through all points with x coordinate equal to h.

Parallel Lines:

Two non vertical lines are parallel if and only if their slopes are equal.

Perpendicular Lines:

Two non vertical lines are perpendicular if and only if their slopes m1 and m2 are such that

m1 × m2 = - 1

Questions with Solutions

Question 1
Find the slope of a line passing through the points

  1. (2 , 3) and (0 , - 1)
  2. (- 2 , 4) and (- 2 , 6)
  3. (5 , 2) and (- 7 , 2)

Solution to Question 1
  1. m = (y2 -  y1) / (x2 - x1) = (-1 -  3) / (0 - 2) = 2
  2. m = (6 - 4) / (-2 + 2)
    The division by -2 + 2 = 0 is undefined and the slope in this case is undefined. The line passing through the given points is a vertical line.
  3. m = (2 - 2) / (-7 - 5) = 0
    The slope is equal to 0 and the line through the given points is a horizontal line.

Question 2
Find the equation of the line that passes through the point (-2 , 5) and has a slope of -4.
Solution to Question 2

Question 3
Find the equation of the line that passes through the points (0 , -1) and (3 , 5).
Solution to Question 3

Question 4
Find the slope of the line given by the equation

- 2 x + 4 y = 6

Solution to Question 4

Question 5
Find an equation of the line that passes through the point (-2 , 3) and is parallel to the line 4 x + 4 y = 8
Solution to Question 5

Question 6
Find an equation of the line that passes through the point (0 , - 3) and is perpendicular to the line - x + y = 2.
Solution to Question 6

Matched Questions

The following are questions matched to the questions presented above. Their answers are also included.

Matched Question 1
Find the slope of a line passing through the points

  1. (- 2 , 7) and (- 2 , - 1)
  2. (2 , 4) and (- 2 , 6)
  3. (- 1 , - 2) and (4 , - 2)

Matched Question 2
line that passes through the point (3 , 0) and has a slope of - 1.

Matched Question 3
Find the equation of the line that passes through the points (2 , 0) and (3 , 3).

Matched Question 4
Find the slope of the line given by the equation

x - 3 y = - 9

Matched Question 5
Find an equation of the line that passes through the point (-1 , 0) and is parallel to the line - 2 x + 2 y = 8.

Matched Question 6
Find an equation of the line that passes through the point (-2 , 1) and is perpendicular to the line x + 2 y = -2.

Answers to the Matched Questions

Matched Question 1
1) undefined
2) - 1 / 2
3) 0

Matched Question 2
y = - x + 3

Matched Question 3
y = 3 x - 6

Matched Question 4
slope = 1 / 3

Matched Question 5
y = x + 1

Matched Question 6
y = 2 x + 5

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